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Dear Valued Supplier,

As part of our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices, we are required by Canadian law to ensure that our supply chain is free from forced labor and child labor. The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act mandates that all entities operating in Canada report on their efforts to prevent and mitigate these unacceptable practices.

To continue our business relationship, we kindly request that you complete this survey, which will help us gather the necessary information to comply with the law and uphold our shared values of human rights and fair labor standards.

The survey should not take too long to complete, and your responses will be treated with strict confidentiality.

By providing accurate and detailed information, you will assist us in fulfilling our legal obligations and contributing to the global fight against forced labor and child labor.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your completed survey.

darren signature

-Darren Hansen